『送料無料 マウイ ジム Maui Jim メガネ 眼鏡 サングラス The Flats - Navy/Light Blue Int/Blue Hawaii Polarized』はセカイモンで5b4ee2333から出品され、448の入札を集めて03月26日 19時 7分に、41925円で落札されました。即決価格は41925円でした。決済方法はに対応。和歌山県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
こちらの商品は マウイ ジム Maui Jim メガネ 眼鏡 サングラス The Flats - Navy/Light Blue Int/Blue Hawaii Polarized です。
━ カタログ(英語)より抜粋 ━
Please click here for more information about PolarizedPlus2(R) technology.
The Maui Jim(TM) The Flats in a playful dual-tone color palette is the perfect companion for your active escapades. It's SuperThin Glass lenses inset in a dual injection nylon framework provide optimal optics, allowing you to savor the details of your adventures.
All Maui Jim sunglasses feature PolarizedPlus2 lens technology that go beyond shielding your eyes from glare and harmful UV rays by enhancing colors to reveal the true beauty of the world around you
Enjoy ultimate UV protection combined with premuim style, incredible durability, glare-free vision, and color-boosting patented technologies
Blue Hawaii - Our blue mirror coating provides a stylish new look that offers the same amazing color enhancement and clarity as all other Maui Jim lenses.
HCL Bronze lenses feature a warm tint that provides versatility in changing light conditions
Neutral Grey lenses offer the highest available light reduction and are most useful in bright, direct sunlight
MAUIGreen - Our green mirror coating provides a stylish new look that offers the same amazing color enhancement and clarity as all other Maui Jim lenses.
HAWAII LAVA - Our red mirror coating provides a stylish new look that offers the same amazing color enhancement and clarity as all other Maui Jim lenses.
Frames constructed from lightweight, injected nylon, designed for extreme comfort and extended wear time
Plastic is selected as a placeholder.
Made in Italy.
WARNING California's Proposition 65
Eye Size: 57 4/7 mm
Bridge: 16 7/9 mm
Temple Size: 12 0/1 mm
Weight: 1.3 oz
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